Honored To Have Worked With...

I'm Mark Richt
While most people call me "Coach", I am also known as "CMR", "Boca Baby", "PoohPa" and the Water Girl's Husband.
For the last 35+ years, football has provided me an avenue to reach and raise the next generation of men and to equip them with the skills to be leaders in their communities.
As a play caller and head coach, it was my responsibility to formulate a game plan and ensure players knew their responsibilities. While my sideline looks much different now, I still feel passionate about helping people live life to the fullest.
Let's Learn and Grow Together
Both on and off the field, its safe to say Mark has been on the big stage. If you're looking for a speaker to leave you feeling inspired, then you are in the right place. Mark shares his wisdom related to both life and football that can be applied to any situation.

The Richt Family Foundation
The Richt Family Foundation is focused on raising awareness and funding for Crohn’s and Parkinson’s Research. These diseases have affected our family personally. Our Granddaughter, Jadyn, was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease as an infant in 2015.
Then in 2021, Mark was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. The Richt Family Foundation will host special events in the near future.
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Game-Day Wisdom for Life's Defining Moments!
There are moments in life when it comes down to your decision. Whatever you're facing, you know that no one else can bail you out. You have to make the call.

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